Saturday, November 14, 2009

The time to surrender is now!

Life is so busy right now, specially with the end of the year approaching - Thanksgiving, Xmas, New Year's. If you are a normal person, you're probably worrying about the food, the reunions, the gifts, the entertainment... all that goes on with the end of the year craziness. Are you feeling stressed out? Too much to do... and so little time. What about the money - is there enough for all this? I can tell you, there are a lot of people suffering from insomnia right now.
My question is - who came up with this stuff? Why do we have to make this time of the year the most difficult to go through?
Last year, my family decided to Feng Sui the holidays and make it about spending time together. We had a different menu, we avoided the mall and kept everything very simple. We decided that our gift to the Earth was to not go around buying things that we would probably discard the next year. Isn't it what we do - buy things that we only use a couple of times and discard? It was liberating! We are so attached to the craziness that we forget the real meaning behind it all - Love and Peace!! Can we buy Love and Peace?
Amidst the craziness, we forget ourselves, our plans get delayed... after Xmas I'll relax/take time to read the book I want/do yoga/meditate...or maybe after New Year's, to start it anew, doing everything differently. We wait and wait, for the right day, for the right moment, for the right mood, for the right weather, for the right company. We wait for the perfect alignment of every circumstance to surrender to life as we want it. Is it possible? When do we surrender?
During the program in Tennessee, Sadhguru said that we mistakenly believe that life here is eternal, therefore we don't live... we don't surrender to life and enjoy it. We postpone life to when we believe it's more appropriate to live it. Only when we come to understand that, someday, life will cease to exist, then we will start to live.
Surrender now! Read that book today! Start your meditation practice today! Change your diet today! Practice yoga today! Live today, right now!
Say no to stress; say no to what is unnecessary in life; say no to waste. Surrender to Love and Peace! Make it about Love and Peace... we can all do this.
May all be well with you. May all live in peace, love and abundance. May the Light and Love of God shine upon you.
Shanti hi

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