Thursday, March 11, 2010

What's in your backpack?

If you had the chance to watch the movie Up in the Air, you remember the seminars presented by Clooney - "What's in Your Backpack." Interesting concepts... made me think, "what's in my bag?"

It seems to me there is a connection with the vedic principles of happiness and the movie character's ideas about life. Most of our lives we pursue those things that are suppose to bring us happiness, but essentially they slow us down, tie us to situations that are not the happiest in our lives... or keep us enslaved to them. We work our entire lives for this - things that we cannot even carry with us as we progress as human/spiritual beings. We work now for a tomorrow we don't know will exist instead of enjoying the present moment, carrying a very light backpack.

I'm not saying we shouldn't enjoy what life brings us, but there's always a moment where that which brings us happiness becomes the dictator of our lives. Is this what's happening to you? I can see several of those little things in my life...

The practice of yoga and meditation help us find the happiness we look for within ourselves, as well as enjoy the beauties of life without attachments. Chapter 6, text 20-23 of the Bhagavad Gita mentions the state of Samadhi, a transcendental state where one is completely absorbed in happiness and self realization, undisturbed by anything else around. This is where the "backpack" becomes so light, and yet full of all that we need in life.

Detach... Enjoy... Love... Live... and keep your backpack light!


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